Winter Weather Tips

We are expecting freezing temperatures in the upcoming days, please take all precautions to prepare for the upcoming weather.

What should you do to try and avoid frozen pipes:

  • Make sure the thermostat is no lower than 55 degrees. If you will be away, make sure it is set to come on automatically.
  • To allow warm air to circulate around pipes you can see, keep cupboard doors open. Allow your water to trickle from the faucet to keep water flowing. Make sure the drain is completely clear, and that no harmful cleaning chemicals and other material is available to small children or pets.
  • Before winter arrives, add insulation where it is lacking in unheated areas of the home or building – garage, crawl space, attic, basement, etc. – and continue to check pipes often through the winter months.
  • Set faucets to a small, steady drip rather than a stream to conserve water while freezing.
  • Drip the faucet farthest from your home’s main water valve.
  • “You don’t have to drip them all—one or two is fine,”